Taking advantage of the possibilities opened by the wide availability of electronic resources and the online management options, the Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research (URICI) has developed the Plan100%DIGITAL to provide services to CSIC Research Institutes which do not have physical library for different reasons. Those services are mainly focused, but not only, on providing access to electronic resources, supporting the advance in the objectives of Open Science and supporting the application to competitive funding.
Plan100%Digital provides the follwoing services:
- Access to scientific information resources from the most prestigious scientific publishers (databases, e-journals, e-books, print collections) via CSIC Library and Archive Catalog, CSIC Virtual Library and Document Delivery Service (SURAD)
- Location and supply of documents not available at CSIC's virtual library and loan of originals* that are in the CSIC Library and Archives Network via SURAD. With the commitment to process the requests in a maximum of 24 hours.
- *The loan of originals is subject to the established loan criteria and at the discretion of the collection's depository library.
- Remote access to electronic resources via the PAPI Off-Campus Access Service
- Electronic Resources acquisition requests
- Online Support
- Dissemination of scientific production through the Digital.CSIC institutional repository. With the commitment to attend the requests made via the Digital.CSIC Mediated Archiving Service and to attend the CSIC researchers in their doubts about the Institutional Mandate of Open Access in a maximum of 2 working days
- Bibliometric data access and and impact reports of scientific production via GesBIB Publicación e Impacto. With the commitment to attend the consultations or requests of information related to GesBib and CSIC scientific publication in a maximum of 2 working days.
- The institutes that are members of the Plan100%DIGITAL may request the purchase of printed books for their research projects through this form. The books purchased for projects are CSIC inventory items and must be registered by staff of Unit of Information Resources for Research in CSIC catalog.
Membership for institutes without a physical library is voluntary and requires the signing of a membership agreement.
Related information:
- Frequent Asked Questions
- Detailed information and Membership Agreement Form (pdf)
- Plan100%Digital Affiliated Institutes
- Brochure (pdf)
More info:
Amparo Llorente
91 568 16 18