CSIC's Publication Impact: GesBIB

Logo GesBIB 2023GesBIB: Impact of CSIC's scientific publication is a module of the GesBIB software developed by the Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI) and CSIC Library and Archive Network. It is designed to provide to the CSIC's scientific community a service for quantitative analysis and impact of CSIC's bibliographic production.

GesBIB: Impact of CSIC's scientific publication has:  

  • Information about publications with CSIC affiliation since 2008 (publications, citations, Open Access information, impact, authors, etc.)
  • Data on authors with CSIC affiliated publications: (author profile, recognized firms, analysis of their production, standardized impact analysis, etc.)
  • Data on CSIC Centres and Institutes with CSIC affiliated publications (annual evolution, international collaboration, impact averages, etc.)
  • Database of journals (journal data, analysis of CSIC publications, impact, etc.)
  • JCR, SJR and CiteScore bibliometric indicators since 2008

 Some examples of use:  

  • Bibliographic production by a researcher, research group or Institute, for accreditation processes (six-year, five-year CSIC), in competitive calls for projects (Severo Ochoa, María Maeztu).
  • Summary data in tabular and graphic format that can be used for the elaboration of reports.
  • Calculation of the Standardised Impact of an author.
  • Impact of publications (impact factor, quartiles, deciles ...)
  • Signature and affiliation variants and identifiers (ORCID, RID, SCOPUS ID...) used by CSIC authors.
  • Selection of journals ranking high to publish according to IF or CS metrics, selection of journals for OA publication.

It is aimed at all those involved in CSIC research and funding (researchers, project managers, institute directors, area coordinators, library staff, etc.) who need to evaluate and/or accredit their activity by analysing the scientific production.

Do you need more information?

Contact your library or the person responsible for this service in URICI: Luis Dorado González