Plagiarism check service: iThenticate


CSIC, through the Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research (URICI), makes available to CSIC researchers the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool, iThenticate.

iThenticate is a tool designed for researchers and professional writers to check their original work for potential plagiarism.

As an author, it allows you to ensure that you have sufficiently cited your sources. As a reviewer, it helps detect plagiarism and attribution problems that could damage reputation or generate financial and legal repercussions.

iThenticate compares uploaded documents with research articles published in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) publishers, with Internet sites and with other resources. It verifies the similarity of the manuscripts or papers to be reviewed against high quality academic and scientific content, such as academic journals and books, legal publications, patents, theses, pre-prints, conference proceedings and web content. 

All CSIC staff who appear in the CSIC Intranet corporate directory as CSIC staff (not mixed or external), and have a contractual relationship with the CSIC at the time of submitting the article, may request its use.

To access this tool it is necessary to be registered with a user name and password, and for this purpose an iThenticate access request form must be filled in, after which the researcher will receive an email informing him/her that he/she has been registered in the application and will be able to access his/her user profile.

For questions or support contact at iThenticate with:
Pamela Atzori

or consult the tool's collection of FAQs: