Quality and Assesment

Quality and AssesmentThe dynamics of quality and assessment in CSIC libraries is a demandend task demanded by  by the Ministry to which our parent institution  report and by the CSIC itself. Since June 2009 CSIC has a Quality Unit.

Working in this direction means incorporating quality as another aspect of the libraries and archives work; its evaluation, analysis, dissemination and improvement policies allow for better service to users and society as a whole.

The CSIC Library and Archive Network has been involved in some of the quality projects that made up the "CSIC's Quality Management Plan", specifically

  • Charter  of Library and Archive Services (project 5 of the CSIC's PGC): In June 2010 the Charter  Services of the CSIC's Library and Archive Network was officially approved, and the update for the period 2023-2026 was published in the BOE of 15 March 2023
  • Complaints and suggestions (project 8 of the CSIC's PGC): The home page of the Network's website and all of the CSIC's libraries websites have a link to the Complaints and Suggestions section of the CSIC's website in order to make it easier for users to access it.
  • Performance Catalog indicators and Satisfaction surveys for users and staff 

A Performance Catalog Indicators, was launched in 2010, continues its development, by collecting data on  an annual basis  since its publication so that there is already a historical series of indicators and a first analysis of the period 2010-2012.

In 2012, a first survey of user satisfaction with the library services was carried out. Since then, this survey has been carried out every two years, which gives a clear picture of the evolution of user satisfaction in recent years. In 2014 a survey was carried out to find out the level of satisfaction of the Network's staff and it is also planned to carry out a survey periodically from 2017 onwards, also every 2 years, to monitor staff satisfaction.