Document Reproduction and Digitization Service

Reproducción de fondosCSIC Library and Archives Network offers its users the service of document digitization and reproduction. General and specific conditions of the service and the rates that apply are set out in the Regulations for the reproduction and use of funds of CSIC Library and Archives Network.

Reprography (self-service)

Users can obtain paper or digital copies of modern bibliographic documentation using self-service photocopying machines or reprographic services in CSIC libraries and archives. The reproduction must be done in accordance with current copyright legislation as well as international recommendations on paper conservation and always following the indications of technical staff.

Reproduction on request

The reproduction of manuscripts, photographs, ancient documents and other special materials and archival documents can only be done by request and in digital format. Reproduction for private use or for public use of this kind of documents must be made on request using the form provided below.

Reproduction on request for modern bibliographic documentation will be dealt with through the interlibrary loan service, in accordance with its own regulations.

Digitization requests

It is possible to propose the digitization of CSIC’s documentary collections that are considered of interest so that they are available in Simurg, the digital library of heritage collections in CSIC. As a general rule, the bibliographic or archival, textual or iconographic funds that are to be digitized must be in the public domain and not be found in another free access digital library. Each request will be assessed by the relevance of the fund, the risk of impairment, the interest for the investigation, etc. and the Network does not acquire any commitment with whoever makes the proposal. Suggestions, which will not entail any cost to the applicant, will be made through the form established for this purpose.