
CooperaciónThe Unit for Scientific Information Resources for Research  maintains cooperative library relationship at   the national and international level.


  • REBIUN The Network of Spanish University Libraries (REBIUN) is a network associated with the CRUE I+D+i Sector since 2020. Previously it was an independent network (1990-1998) and a CRUE Sector Commission (1998-2019). Since its creation, on the initiative of a group of library directors in 1988, REBIUN has been a stable body in which all Spanish university and scientific libraries are represented.
  • DOCUMAT The  Mathematics Library and Documentary Network formed by Spanish universities and mathematical centers, and whose basic principle is the cooperation among its members.
  • FESABID. Created in 1996, the main objective of the FESABID Intellectual Property (IP) working group is to contribute to the defense of intellectual property rights adapted to the role of libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). To this end, it promotes dissemination actions related to intellectual property for the GLAM professional group. In addition, it studies and prepares technical reports that it submits to the Board of Directors of FESABID, and acts according to the Federation's demand for information. In the period 2024-2026 it advocates for a reform of the Intellectual Property Law that, faithfully integrating the European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DEMUD), is beneficial for the GLAM sector. Since 2017 Isabel Bernal represents URICI in the working group, dealing in particular with various issues related to open science and IP management.
  • Union  Catalog of the Spanish Bibliographic Heritage: its objective is the inventory and description of the Bibliographic Heritage hosted in Spanish libraries, public or private.
  • Serials Union Catalog (National Library of Spain).
  • EXPANIA (Ex Libris Spain Users Group ): Expania is the Association of  Spanish Institutions using products of  Ex Libris. It main  objective is to collectively defend the interests of users, drive product development   in line with the interests of users and to promote among its members the development of innovative library services based on new information technologies.
  • Library Cooperation Council: is an organisation created by the Ministry of Culture for cooperation in the library field among public administrations to implement projects and promote plans to improve the  library  services. Within this Council, the CSIC Library & Archive  Network is a member  of the Technical Commission for the Cooperation of Specialized Libraries.
  • General State Administration Libraries: the CSIC is represented in the General Commission for the Coordination of General State Administration Libraries (Royal Decree 1572/2007, of 30 November). This Commission makes decisions to improve library services and cooperation in ministries and other National Government entities that have libraries under their charge.
  • Portal de la Recerca de Catalunya (PRC): CSIC participates in the PRC, a project coordinated by CSUC. The portal's goal is display and disseminate from a single place the research activity that is carried out in Catalonia, thus making open access  to scientific output easy.


  • COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories): is an international association that brings together individual respositories and repository networks in order to build capacity, align policies and practices, and act as global voice for the repository community.
  • DATACITE: Since 2011 the DataCite Metadata Working Group has determined and maintained the DataCite metadata schema, in consultation with DataCite members and under the direction of the DataCite Council. It is one of the standard metadata schemas most widely used by the scientific repository community worldwide. The working group actively seeks input from the community at large and coordinates with other community standards, such as ORCID, ROR, Open Funder Registry, DCMI and IGSN, among others. Since 2017 Isabel Bernal represents DIGITAL.CSIC in the working group. CSIC became a member of DataCite in 2015 through URICI.
  • EPICo (European Print Initiatives Collaboration) is an informal network with the aim of keeping important printed library materials available in a time of pressure on library spaces and increasing use of electronic material. Since May 2023 CSIC is part of this network.
  • ICOLC (International Coalition of Library Consortia): a participatory group with more than 200 library consortia from around the world. ICOLC supports participating consortia by facilitating discussions on issues of common interest.
  • IFLA: (International Federation of Library Associations) The section of academic and research libraries of IFLA is the international reference forum for these types of libraries and offers its members the opportunity to collaborate and exchange experiences.
  • IGELU (International Consortia of Aleph Users): International Group of  Exlibris Users.
  • KU (Knowledge Unlatched): Knowledge Unlatched is an international initiative of open access for academic monographs in the humanities and social sciences.
  • LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche): European network of research libraries  with the aim of representing the interests of European research libraries.
  • ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID  is the  nonprofit organization that through the assignment of identifiers helps to create a system in which authors can be identified  in a unique way and uniquely connected to their scientific contributions and affiliations without differentiation of disciplines, borders and time.
  • REDIAL: The European Network on Information and Documentation on Latin America. Association of European researchers, documentalists and librarians working in the area of Latin American humanities and social sciences.
  • SELL (Southern European Libraries Link):  is the effort to bring together Libararies from Southern European countries ( Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Turkey).
  • SCOAP3: (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) is the partnership of thousands of libraries and major funding agencies and research centers in 33 countries. Working with leading publishers, SCOAP3 has converted several key journals in the field of High Energy Physics to open access at no cost to authors. Each country participates proportionally to its scientific production in this field. (Further information)
  • SPARC Europe: one of Europe’s key and long-standing voices advocating for unfettered access to research and education for the academic and education community; for the whole of society.
  • UKSG: United Kingdom Serials Group. Non-profit organization formed by various types of actors in the chain of production and distribution of academic information (libraries, publishers, distributors, technology providers), whose mission is to connect the information community and promote the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication.