Performance Indicators

Performance IndicatorsThe successive CSIC Quality Management Plans (2010-2013; 2014-2017; 2018-2021) contemplated within the Project 9 of Quality in the Scientific Information and Library Service, as one of its objectives in quality programs, to provide a complete and granular catalog of  performance indicators that would allow the diachronic assessment of services and processes of the CSIC's Library and Archive Network.

In line with these objectives, in November 2010 the CSIC Library and Archive Network Indicator Catalog was published, being the first step in the self-diagnostic tasks of the Library and Archive Network.

The catalog has a double aspect: "Network of Libraries" -" Network Libraries" so that it can analyse the Network as a whole and the libraries individually in order to identify areas of excellence and areas for improvement, promote work dynamics in line with the CSIC's quality policy and the administration as a whole.

Since 2010, the performance indicators have been compiled at Network level so that there is now a history of indicators that allows us to understand their evolution and the different aspects of the Network. These performance  indicators and their historical evolution are published annually on the Library and Archive Network intranet. Below is a selection of those considered most relevant:

Indicators 2010-2019, selection

In this case, a large number of indicators have been proposed in order to be able to contemplate their heterogeneity. However, only those that define  ana are share for all the libraries in the network have been considered obligatory and those that can define the characteristics of size, area of research, administrative situation, etc. of each one have been considered optional.