Z39.50 server of CSIC's Library and Archive Network Catalog allows the retrieval of records from the Bibliographic and Archive catalogs.
- Server: eu00.alma.exlibrisgroup.com
- Port: 210 or 1921 (both ports work the same)
- Base: 34CSIC_INST
- User / Password: No authentication required. Access is not restricted by IP address.
- Record Syntax: MARC21, XML
- Character encoding (input and output): UTF-8
- Supported services: Search, present
- Supported Attributes: Words (1016, 1017); Authors (1, 1003, 1004); Subjects (21); Titles (4); ISBN (7); ISSN (8); Dates (31); Identifiers (12).
Simurg's OAI server allows harvesting of images, text documents and digitized books from CSIC's Libraries and Archives.
- Identification: http://simurg.csic.es/viewer/oai?verb=Identify
- URL of base: http://simurg.csic.es/viewer/oai?