Periodic user satisfaction and staff satisfaction surveys for the CSIC Library and Archive Network are carried out as part of the successive CSIC Quality Management Plans (2010-2013, 2014-2017 and 2018-2021), specifically Project 7 on Quality in the Scientific Information and Library Service.
1. User satisfaction surveys
User satisfaction surveys are a fundamental tool for finding out the degree of satisfaction with the services provided by the CSIC Library and Archive Network. In 2012 the first survey of these characteristics was carried out in the Network, since then they have been carried out every 2 years so that through the analysis of the data and comments the evolution of the satisfaction of the internal and external users of the Network can be seen.
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2018
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2016
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2014
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2012
2. Staff satisfaction surveys
Since 2014, the CSIC Library and Archive Network conducts satisfaction surveys among its personnel on different aspects related to the job, direct supervisor, working environment, etc., in order to obtain a general opinion on these issues and to promote improvement measures.
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2019
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2017
- Informe de resultados de la encuesta 2014